Sunday, August 9, 2009

Ummi Yang Demam

Hari ni masuk hari ke 2 aku diuji dengan ujian kesakitan.Astarghfirullahal 'adzim...

Hati ini amat rindu dengan Najihah dan Fudhail..Maafkan ummi kerana terpaksa berjauhan dengan kalian walaupun ummi dapat cuti 3 hari..dan diminta berehat di rumah..

Dengan simptom2 H1N1 yang ada pada ummi...ummi taknak anak2 ummi sakit..semalam, sebelum pi hospital, sempat ummi pesan pada Najihah..jaga adik baik2...jangan merap abah..

Mengalir air mata Najihah..

Sewaktu aku sedang diperiksa oleh doc, kakak ipar datang amik najihah n fudhail..dalam kereta, najihah berkata pada Fudhail "Jangan nangis ye Fudhail, Kak Long kan ada..Kak Long akan jaga adik.."
Itulah Najihah...

Ujian mengingatkan aku tentang dosa-dosaku..andainya ujian ini sebagai kifarah kepada dosa ku padaMu..aku redha Ya Allah demi keampunanMu..

Juga mengingatkan aku bahawa hidup ini sebuah persinggahan sementara...

Thanks abang..kerana menyiapkan segalanya..sarapan yang special, nasi anak ke nursery, makan minum n segala urusan anak..

Rasulullah bersabda yang maksudnya:
"Orang mukmin yg plg sempurna imannya ialah org yang plg baik akhlaknya. Org yang plg baik antara kamu semua ialah suami yg plg baik terhdp isterinya." (HR Tirmidzi)

Rindu pada mak..telefon mak seawal pagi...lepas dengar suara mak..terasa macam ada kekuatan..mungkin kerana suara itu telah menanggung seribu kepayahan dan penderitaan..badanku rasa makin sihat..alhamdulillah...

Sempat jg suamiku mencari artikel tentang breastfeed ketika sakit..

Should breastfeeding continue when mom is sick?

By Kelly Bonyata, IBCLC

It is very, very rare for a mom to need to stop breastfeeding for any illness. There are only a few very serious illnesses that might require a mom stop breastfeeding for a period of time or permanently. Per Dr. Ruth Lawrence, "HIV and HTLV-1 are the only infectious diseases that are considered absolute contraindications to breastfeeding in developed countries" (Lawrence & Lawrence 2001).

During any "ordinary" illness such as a cold, sore throat, flu, tummy bug, fever, mastitis, etc. you should continue to breastfeed. Just remind your doctor you are nursing so that if medications are needed he can prescribe something that is compatible with breastfeeding. Most medications are safe to take while breastfeeding, and for those that are not recommended there is almost always an alternative medication that is safe.

If mom has food poisoning, breastfeeding should continue. As long as the symptoms are confined to the gastrointestinal tract (vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps), breastfeeding should continue without interruption as there is no risk to the baby. This is the case with most occurences of food poisoning. If the food poisoning progresses to septicemia, meaning the bacteria has passed into mom's bloodstream (mom would most likely be hospitalized), see this guidance from Dr. Ruth Lawrence:

"Maternal infections of the genitourinary or gastrointestinal tract do not pose a risk to infants except in the rare circumstances when septicemia occurs and bacteria might reach the milk. Even in this event, continued breastfeeding while the mother receives appropriate antibiotic therapy that is compatible with breastfeeding is the safest course for the infant. If the infecting organism is especially virulent or contagious (e.g., an invasive group A streptococcal infection causing severe disease in the mother), breastfeeding should continue after a temporary suspension during the first 24 hours of maternal therapy. Prophylactic or empiric therapy for the infant, against the same organism, may be indicated." [source: Lawrence RM & Lawrence RA. Given the Benefits of Breastfeeding, what Contraindications Exist?
Pediatric Clinics of North America 2001 (February);48(1): 235-51.]

The best thing you can do for your baby when you're sick is to continue to breastfeed. When you have a contagious illness such as a cold, flu, or other mild virus, your baby was exposed to the illness before you even knew you were sick. Your milk will not transmit your illness to baby, but it does have antibodies in it that are specific to your illness (plus anything else you or baby have been exposed to) - they'll help prevent baby from getting sick, or if he does get sick, he'll probably not be as sick as you.
Withholding your breastmilk during an illness increases
the possibility that baby will get sick, and deprives baby
of the comfort and superior nutrition of nursing.

You can also take measures to prevent baby from getting sick by doing the usual things to prevent the spread of illness: washing hands often, avoid sneezing/coughing on baby, limiting face-to-face contact, etc .

When you're sick, it can help to just tuck baby into bed beside you and nurse lying down whenever baby gets hungry. If baby starts getting sick and not wanting to nurse, then see Baby refuses to nurse when sick.

Many times moms don't nurse frequently enough and don't get enough fluids to keep the milk supply going. Sometimes medications can cause your milk supply to diminish, as well. To avoid a decreased milk supply, drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration, continue to nurse often and avoid/limit medications (like antihistamines) that tend to decrease milk supply.

Alhamdulillah..ummi masih terus menyusukan fudhail kerana cita2 ummi utk full breastfeed fudhail selama 6 bulan pertama n teruskan sampai 2 thn..

Moga anak-anakku sentiasa dalam peliharaanNya..


  1. Salam,

    Kami di kejauhan mendoakan agar Maziah kuat dan Sabar menghadapi ujian Allah ini. Semoga cepat sembuh insyaAllah. Ameen

  2. Syukran ya ukhti..
    indahnya sebuah persahabatan berteraskan aqidah..saling mendoakan tika sng dan susah..
    tahniah buat su coz dah melangkah ke alam perniagaan yang dijanjikan Rasulullah akan keberkatannya..
    apatah lagi bisnes yang membawa para muslimah ke arah redhaNya dalam keindahan memelihara syariatNya..
    good luck..
    uhibbukum fillah
    maziah sekeluarga...
